Basic Metering Information
Technical Bulletins
1S Meter - 2 Wire, 1 Voltage, 1 Current (Blondel)
2S Meter - 3 Wire, 1 Voltage, 2 Currents (non-Blondel)
4S Meter - 3 Wire, 1 Voltage, 2 Currents (non-Blondel)
12S Meter - 3 Wire, 2 Voltages, 2 Currents (Blondel)
Technical Papers
A System of Simple Consistent Definitions - A system of mathematical definitions for active power (P), reactive power (Q), and apparent power (S) are discussed. Definitions in the time domain and frequency domain are presented.
A New World - A New Challenge to Metering - The problems of metering in an age of highly non-linear loads is discussed. Proposed changes to ANSI C12.20 for type testing of meters under harmonic conditions are presented.
Harmonic Waveform Generator Spreadsheet - This EXCEL spreadsheet calculates voltage and current waveforms using harmonic definitions. The waveforms are plotted and P, Q, and S computed using the definitions in the above paper. (This a macro enabled spreadsheet.)